Who is a Forgiven Sinner?

Before we discuss what a forgiven sinner is, let me explain what the gospel is. The reference of this post comes from “Leadership Reformed Why Leaders Need the Gospel to Change the World” by Sen Sendjaya.

The gospel is the good news that God is renewing all things in creation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Historically, the gospel is understood as the good news that by God’s unconditional grace, guilty sinners who deserve His just punishment have been fully pardoned, forgiven, and accepted on the grounds of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The gospel tells us that we have been saved from God, by God, and for God alone.

God saved sinners through the death and resurrection of Christ. We are recipients, but not the ultimate goal, of salvation. The grand story of salvation is the story of God’s renewing all creation, restoring the broken world. Moreover, as His redeemed people, we now live and work for His glory, advancing His kingdom, and redeeming all things towards the new heaven and earth.

The concept explained in this writing can be referred to the book “Leadership Reformed Why Leaders Need the Gospel to Change the World”.
The book is wonderful and I encourage everyone to read the book. God bless us all!

Written on July 14, 2020